Saturday, March 7, 2009

tulips are red

It's snowing again today. What a March we are having! Usually this time of year brings rain and more rain...but it will come soon enough, and at least when it's snowing you can get out and about without getting wet.
That being said--here are some wonderful tulips a friend brought by for me. Two more months and they should be blooming around here. I can hardly wait to get up to the Skagit Valley where all the big bulb farms are and see all the stuff blooming!


  1. Fine! Yours are better! sheesh ;)

  2. These are beautiful! Tulips are my favorite! Great shots :)

  3. what a great friend you have. great shots of those tulips love the last one

  4. wow! how to pick a favorite! I love the composition of the first one but that last one is stunning. beautiful work.

  5. Your photo processing has such a consistent theme. Mine is all over the place! Very pretty.

  6. Love tulips! Great shots. Vibrant color (would brighten any day). TFS

  7. Tulips are my fave flowers! Love these, especially the last shot!


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