Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Due to the lovely economy, our son D is back home, looking for a job while living rent-free. He brought his dog with him (would that make her our grand-dog? Have to think on that one...) and while he is out beating the pavements job-hunting, we dog-sit. When she starts missing him a lot (more than watching out the window for him), she takes a nap with her head resting on his shoes. I've caught a whiff of those things--and if they smell like that to a human nose, WHAT must it smell like to a dog? Anyway, true devotion is getting as close to your Human as possible, even if it is only his stinky shoes.


  1. That might just be the sweetest thing I've ever seen! I'm sure they smell like heaven to the dog.
    Those lemons on my post are crooked on purpose, Pat. I gotta keep it real, if you know what I mean. :-D

  2. What a sweet, beautiful grand-dog you have! Good luck to your son, and many happy new photographing opportunities to you with the puppy.

  3. Oh my goodness how sweet!!! Awwww.... Best of luck to your son and love these pix!

  4. I am thinking they rend her unconscious so she can get some sleep instead of worrying that human won't return. ;)

    Beautiful dog! I imagine she feels like warm silk.

  5. Poor puppy! I'm sure the adjustment has been so hard for her.....Those photos speak volumes on the love she has for your son!

  6. OMGosh, how sweet is that! That is TRUE love LOL

  7. Awwh, how sweet. I love how pets are so devoted to their owners. And my DD's cat loves to smell people's shoes. I don't understand it, but that's the way they are!

  8. That would make a great Valentine's card! True love!

  9. That is just the sweetest photo EVER...wow. Animals sure have a way of tugging at the heartstrings.

  10. So sorry your son lost his job - but how nice that you get to spend time with him and his dog - too funny that he waits for him in his shoes!

  11. Aww, that is SO sweet! I can tell what a wonderful "dad" your son is to her for her to love him THAT much!


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