Thursday, March 5, 2009

The joke's on me!

Imagine my surprise this morning when I woke up to this--just when i thought we'd seen the last of the snow. Big fat quarter-sized flakes, falling thickly and rapidly. We got about 6", but it is already melting. Seattle? Only rain today. Even the little town 5 miles from me didn't get any snow...we just live in the right curve of the mountain to get the snowfall. And--maybe another storm through this weekend.

Can you see the snow-covered branches of the tree in the background in the drop?


  1. Another grand slam of a reflection photo! Here's hoping it all melts real soon.

  2. I am in pure amazement that you captured so much reflection in that droplet! Holy cow that is just fantastic!!

  3. Beautiful pictures; I just love snow shots.

  4. Amazing reflection, LOVE it! Especially since I can see the tree in the background too. Love the second shot too for the chaos of the branches! :)

  5. Holy smokes Pat, that reflection is amazing! I drove through some snow today in N Seattle, but nothing like what you got! Are you tired of winter yet?

  6. Wow - these are wonderful captures. I love the second shot - it is beautiful.

  7. No, the joke is on mother natures since you capture the beauty so well!

  8. WOW!!! Those are some ginormous snowflakes!!! Looks like winter isn't quite done with you yet, LOL. That last shot is AMAZING... the refraction is so crystal clear!!!

  9. After flowers yesterday... now snow??!! Love the drop shot - that is amazing!

  10. The droplet shot is incredible! We woke up to snow like that yesterday, too -- with more to come in the next couple of days.

  11. It looks so beautiful and fluffy. But goodness, I am so ready for it to go away.


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