Monday, March 2, 2009

One last blast

This was last week--one last little surprise by Mother Nature before spring takes over. Fortunately it only lasted a day. Sure was pretty, though!!


  1. You KNOW what I'm going to say already, don't you? yes...I LOVE snow/ice:):)

  2. I'm not a winter fan but these are lovely. And Yay for R comeing home. {Prayers{ he stays home. TFS!

  3. These are beautiful. I am glad R is home and hope he stays there. Send him my best wishes. :)

  4. These are great. I bet they would cool with a duotone. So glad to hear R is home again.

  5. hurray that he is home. We got a good blast today but I had to work so no pretty pictures of it..

  6. Gorgeous, I love these in b/w! And so happy that your dh is home, I pray that he continues to improve! :)

  7. That first one is especially beautiful! Glad R is home, and hopefully to stay!

  8. Those pictures are gorgeous! We just got snow as well, put it wasn't that pretty. And it is now on day 7 and still here :(

  9. It really is gorgeous... I just don't like driving around in it! LOL. I love the way the ice and snow crystallizes everything and it just sparkles like a million diamonds. I hope R is settling back in tonight!

  10. Wow! These are stunning! I love to look at it but glad I don't live with it. :)

  11. Beautiful shots. The best kind of snow is the kind that doesn't stay around. So glad R is home!

  12. oh wow those snow covered trees are so beautiful! im sorry that you are still in winter time over there we are hitting 70's here

  13. Pretty to look at. Sure hate living in the stuff though.

  14. You sure made that snow look good! Great shots Pat and wonderful news that R is home!! I am still keeping him in my prayers but I'm soo happy he is home!!

  15. I am so happy that R is home! What a relief for you this must be. I love the photographs of the snow coating the trees. So gorgeous...even though I am totally sick of it.

  16. Wow - so pretty! Glad it doesn't stay though! Can't wait to see your Spring flowers!! and your garden!!! So glad R is home!!

  17. Mother Nature certainly has a wicked, although pretty, sense of humor! Give BattleStar Gallactica, the new series, a try!

  18. really pretty - glad that it didn't stay long!
    Great news that R is back home!

  19. I love your photos they look amazing!

  20. So glad to hear Rick is home - so glad that you got this and not us (sorry!!), so glad you shared - lovely photos.


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