Tuesday, April 14, 2009

You MUST be kidding!!!

It's the middle of April, right? Why was THIS outside my window this morning??? I mean, come on, I've enjoyed our snowy winter, but you have to draw a line somewhere, and the calendar says it's April. April in the Pacific NW means rain, rain, and more rain (well, ok, we got 2" at our house on Sunday...) I am SO over the snow!! COME ON SPRING!!!! Actually, the snow should be gone by tomorrow...just one of those nasty surprises this morning.


  1. Oh Pat - what did you all do to tick off Mother Nature - OUCH! I hate it when that happens - generally right after my tulips bloom.

  2. I don't blame you for not being excited about that sight! Snow in April is not welcome! :)

  3. Oh, yuck. I'm so glad our cold is on it's way out. You sure made misery look beautiful, though, Pat!

  4. But Pat! Looks what cool captures you got. :D

  5. I love the glow in the first shot!
    I also love the closeups...the snow and pink (cherry blossoms?...I am not at all a green thumb) look so pretty together!

  6. HOORAY for the snow!!!!!!! But seriously...the light on that first shot is really beautiful. So crisp feeling.

  7. Those pink blossoms are gorgeous! We might get snow again this weekend, so you are not alone!

  8. I love the light on your first shot - so beautiful. But I don't think I could take any more snow, no matter how pretty!

  9. Beautiful Pat.. just Beautiful!

  10. Beautiful photos! I love the first one and I love the snow on the pink blossoms. Gorgeous!

  11. I wondered if you got more. This is ridiculous weather. I am so over winter! That said, the light on the trees in the background on the first one is gorgeous!

    Supposedly it's going to hit 60 and be sunny this weekend :) I'll believe it when I see it....

  12. The pink flowers with the snow on them look so odd to me, but pretty. We were swimming over the weekend here in CA :)

  13. Makes for beautiful shots Pat!! That last one is gorgeous!

  14. The blooms look beautiful with the white snow. But really it is time to warm up.

  15. Oh, the lighting in the first shot is just beautiful! I love the pink in all of the shots, it's my favorite color. :)

  16. The 3rd photo is absolutely gorgeous, but what a sad, sad, subject! Please don't send the s**w to us! Thank you, Pat! Now I can search Cedar Waxwings and see if there's any hope of discouraging they're locust-like behavior on my house!


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