Friday, April 17, 2009


R and I stopped by a park yesterday to enjoy the sun, and I caught this little girl through the car windshield. She was doing her little I'm-so-glad-the-sun-is-out dance. I couldn't resist. She was so much fun to watch. Quality isn't the best--using my P&S, and through the windshield (glare)--those are my excuses/rationalizations... ;-)


  1. Such exuberance! I can tell how happy she is without even seeing her face :)

  2. Aww, that is so cute! I love how they do those crazy jumpy dances!

  3. I'd say you did pretty darn well with those conditions. Great motion in this shot. I love your ranunculus photos from yesterday too!

  4. LOL, great capture!

    Sounds like you are having a completely different day than we did in town. It poured this morning, but got nice and sunny and up to almost 60 this afternoon. Hope tomorrow's weather is better for you!

  5. So cute! That's a really big jump.

  6. That is one happy little girl! Cool shot!

  7. You certainly did an amazing job with your focus and capturing this moment. What a great thing to celebrate. I know I feel the same exact way every time I get out and feel how warm the sun is.

  8. Love this! You can just feel how thrilled she is! Pls. send the nice weather my way.

  9. Sometimes you just have to get a shot no matter what , Pat.
    She reminds me of a little lamb frolicking in a paddock on a spring day, wish I had half her energy. :)

  10. At least you had a camera with you! You can tell she is having such a great time.

  11. Looks like she's having fun jumping and you did great with your p&s! :)


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