Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring is popping

It was 72 today!!! The ornamental cherry trees by the old depot are making the most of this spell of unseasonably warm weather; you can almost hear them popping open as you stand by the trees. The city painted the depot last year and changed it from white to this deep red/burgundy, which I think works much better with the blooms.

But the blossoms will have to make the most of this weather. The long range forecast is talking about rain and s**w above 500' (that would be our place) on Monday. I am hoping that the forecast is wrong! I have had enough of winter. It would be too cruel to give us 3-4 days of 70 degrees and sun and then send s**w again.


  1. Love how you won't even spell out the word that describes that white, fluffy, cold stuff. Beautiful blossom pictures. Love that last one where you can see the blossoms through the wagon wheel. I have a tree like that in my front yard, but it hasn't started blooming yet. The dandelions are already making their appearance, though!

  2. These are gorgeous! I especially like the last image, very creative.

  3. I just LOVE cherry blossoms! These are GORGEOUS and I do love them against the dark red building! I sure hope for your sake, the weather man is wrong about the s**w!

  4. These are all beautiful , Pat, I especially love the last one. Must agree with the burgundy colour paint, great backdrop for the blossoms.
    You certainly live in a most picturesque part of the country but must say I don't envy you the cold.

  5. These are gorgeous! So beautiful! I'd love a chance to see those trees in person one day!

  6. I love cherry blossoms! We have a tree in the backyard but I'm afraid the recent snow may have impeded its blooms this year. Sure hope its as pretty as yours!

  7. Wow, these are so beautiful!

  8. These made my heart skip a beat! Can't wait until ours bloom...

  9. Beautiful shots and settings. ~Jackie

  10. Those blossoms are beautiful. I like the way you shot them through the wagon wheel.

  11. Oh my gosh Pat, these are beautiful, and you're right, the red of the depot is lovely with them. I love your hydrangea skeletons. I thought for sure they were sea fans until I saw what you wrote.

  12. Those are beautiful! What a lovely setting :)

  13. WOW! These are gorgeous! I can't wait until the world around me looks like that.. It's still cold and icky here.. Great shots Pat!

  14. What I would not give for a 70 degree day. WOW...amazing. I just love the profuse budding on the trees, only made even more beautiful by your amazing color.

  15. Oh Pat - these are gorgeous!! Can't wait to get that kind of color in my neighbourhood!

  16. OMG These are beautiful! I had no idea it was already time for cherry blossoms!

  17. That last shot is so creative, but I love them all! Hope you avoid the you-know-what!

  18. These are GORGEOUS!!! Your trees are so full and mature, those are my favorite. Won't be long before it starts "snowing"

  19. I agree, the darker color is perfect with the blossoms. :) Beautiful shots, I especially like the composition on the last one. :)


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