Friday, April 3, 2009

A penny saved....

Years (and years) ago I started the habit of taking any spare change in R's pockets at the end of the day, and putting it aside. Once a year, just before Christmas, I cash in the coins. It is amazing what pennies and nickels and dimes add up to, and we all know about quarters. I usually end up with a couple hundred dollars for Christmas shopping, money that would've been frittered away. It has been a great way to save money!


  1. I think my mom had that exact bank! ;)

    My husband used to empty his pockets into the boys' banks. Odd nights would go into Andy's bank (he was born in a odd year) and even nights would go into Ryan's bank (he was born in an even year).

    Now I just use my debit card and rarely have change. But if I do, the boys gobble it up for their own banks.

  2. What a fun photo! I think it's so cute that even at 2, Nicholas knows what money is, every penny we find, he runs to put it in his piggy bank.

  3. This is an awesome idea Pat. My dad some the same thing and he always says it helps a lot. I, however, give the girls milk money, so I am always looking around for change. :P

  4. We do this each year and let the kids cash it in right before holiday and use it for what every they want - (as long as it is not inappropriate) we have no say on what they purchase. More often than not, our daughter talks her little brother into pooling the money and getting what she wants (has him convinced it was what he wanted all along). Funny kids! Very good take on theme.

  5. Very cool. We paid for vacation once with all the coins we saved.

  6. The last post was mine sorry I wasn't logged in. I love the tulips, wow.

  7. Very cool, We do the same as well. It paid for the gas to Wisconsin Dells! TFS

  8. Nice little windfall once a year Pat, and a great time of year to cash it all in for sure! We've got a jar we use as well. Well, actually, I use it. B never empties his change and gets mad if I do it for him. C just snags the change OUT of there!

  9. That is a great picture for this week's theme (I may have to steal it for tomorrow). I love that bank, too.

  10. Yeah for being on theme! Lately, we've been cashing in our change at a machine at the grocery store. You just pour your change in, it counts it and you get cash or gift receipts to places like Lowe's or We take the gift receipt...the company who owns the machine (I guess) takes a percentage if you choose cash. Last time, the change payed for some new games for the Wii (amazon gift receipt)

  11. I should save mine up for a whole year, but I can never wait that long!

  12. We do this too! It is amazing how fast it adds up. Right now, we're saving the money we would have spent taking the toll road and putting it away for a trip. It's going to add up fast! LOVE the shot.

  13. Great way to put money aside without trying! Great shot!

  14. I just started filling a little piggy bank with spare quarters. . . and will gift them to my son when he comes home to help him with his struggling efforts to "make ends meet."

  15. We do this too... except we just throw all the change into a tall jar. When it gets full we take it to the Coinstar machine at the grocery store. Of course, lately Alex has been hoarding all of the loose change, but at least it's going into his piggy bank, so it's still saving!

  16. What a fabulous way to get some spending money! It's amazing how that change adds up. :)


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