Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mmmm--can't you just smell Spring??

Go ahead--take a deep breath---ahhhhh. The scent of Spring!!


  1. My odor-plugin must be on the fritz. I just enjoy the beauty instead. Happy Easter!

  2. Ah, I love the scent of hyacinths. Too bad I don't have any planted. I'll just enjoy yours, Pat. Happy Easter!

  3. These are so beautiful! Hyacinth is my favorite scent in a flower. When we went to the grocery store after church, I had to stop and smell them and have my dh and girls do the same. :)

  4. Love those soft peach and yellow ones, I can almost smell them!

    Hasn't the weather today been hideous? I think I'm heading to Molbaks to shoot tomorrow, WITH a memory card this time!

  5. OMG Pat, these are stunning! I can almost smell their sweet scent... mmm... Happy Easter! :)

  6. So beautiful! I would love to be a flower in your garden!

  7. LOOK at all those amazing colors! I would just sit in your garden for hours on end. The colors remind me of the houses down below. :)

  8. OMG I could almost smell those. What pretty colors. I wish I could grow those because I just love them.

  9. Oh I love hyacinths. A sure sign of spring and Easter!

  10. Such color! They make me want to swoon! I really like your composition in the last photo, the arrangement of the different colors in rows. Pat, I saw some GREEN poking out of the ground yesterday next to my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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