Monday, April 20, 2009


This is Lewisia--it's a really cool succulent plant that grows in rock gardens. The name comes from Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark expedition, who discovered it.
Couldn't resist the center of this tulip playing peek-a-boo through the drooping petals. It's a little blown-out, but such is life...
And--this is just a snapshot, but what a shot! An outdoor sighting of R, dressed in outdoor clothes, ready for a walk with Roma the Amazing. He is doing so much better. It makes my heart happy to see him back in his jeans--for a while there he was too thin to keep them on.


  1. Love your flowers! SO happy for R! (not the dog ;)

  2. I am so glad to hear you are feeling better and everyone is able to get some sunshine - it truly works wonders! Beautiful flower shots - as you always do. :)

  3. Love these flowers, it was super sunshiney here too! Yay! And so glad to hear that R. is doing so much better!

  4. Great to hear R is doing better! I love your flower shots and glad that you got some warm weather.

  5. Oh my, that first one is just gorgeous! Glad he's doing better :)

  6. Your flowers pics are beautiful, but I can see why the third picture has a special place in your heart. Glad he's doing better!

  7. That is so interesting about the Lewisia! My last name is Meriwether.

    I'm glad R is doing better.


  8. The Lewisia is so beautiful! I'm glad to see that R is doing well. I hope he enjoyed the lovely day. :)

    ps- I think rununculus were definately made for macro lenses!

  9. So glad to see Rick looking and I bet feeling sooo much better.
    Love the Lewisia, very pretty colouring and centre and of course love the centre of the tulip. Great contrast in colours , lines and curves.
    Just gorgeous, Pat. !!!!

  10. He is looking great Pat! Its good to see him out and about. Your flower shots are pure art as always! I just cannot get over the way you capture nature.

  11. Pat - so happy R is out and about! That is soooo wonderful!! He is looking healthy and that must be pure joy for you!

  12. Gorgeous flowers... but the real gem of this post is that photo of R!!! AWESOME, my heart is just bursting for you I am so happy to see him out and about! He is looking really great!

  13. Beautiful shots of the flowers, the pink/green in the first is so striking! And so happy to see R out and about...what a blessing! :)


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