Saturday, July 11, 2009

A few final faces...

I love this rock! All the holes in in are naturally occuring; it was found on the beach on the Oregon coast.

Do you ever feel like someone is listening in on your phone conversations?......
Low tide last year at the ocean. These are clam holes; if you look on the lower "mouth" hole, you can see the rim. It's really fun to poke the holes with sticks and get them to squirt. That is, if you aren't clamming!
Ugh---from behind my DD's washer in her old apartment. She obviously didn't get behind it to clean very often. To be fair, she was VERY pregnant and there was no room to maneuver.
This is what I what pictured when Sharon posted her "Motor Mouth"...


  1. Lovely! I see faces in all the cars. Even before the Pixar movie. ;)

  2. Great faces! The second one is my favorite. My son was just pointing out to me today that the back of our TV remote has a face, too!

  3. I really like the rock - nice captures.

  4. Once again you totally rocked this weeks theme! I love that rock!! I'm looking forward to your water shots this week!

  5. You really nailed the theme for the week.

  6. What a variety of faces you have found, Pat . !!
    All GREAT shots. !!


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