Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I love this guy. I could watch him all day. I know he has an official name, but I call him My Sweet Baboo. I was crouched down, shooting through glass, and he was watching me as much as I was watching him. All of a sudden, up curves one side of his mouth in this lovely lop-sided smile. I know, I'm anthropomorphizing, but gosh, doesn't it look like he's giving us a grin? Kinda the "Sheesh, enough with the cameras already!" Shortly after this he pulled his Woobie (the burlap sack on his back) over his head, rolled over on his side, and was out like a light.

The eagles have a large enclosure--big enough to have lots of room to fly around in. I just wish I could get a shot without that nasty fence showing, and I am too lazy to Photoshop it out.
The zoo has a new flamingo exhibit that is nice. Not San Diego nice, but 24-flamingoes-nice. I like the flamingoes for the sinuosity (is that a word) and the colors and the patterns that occur when they are in groups.
And speaking of sinuous necks....
And just to show I can be on theme, a little backlighting...
and these thorns--holy smokes! You wouldn't want to bump into those! I thought it was pretty neat the way the sun was backlighting these, too. You can take the macro lens off the camera, but you can't take the macro eye out of the photographer. (Eeuuwww--nasty mental picture there!!)


  1. Totally love the smirk i the first ne but I seriously laughed out loud at the mental picture comment.

  2. I love the giraff's bendy neck! The gorilla looks so regal.

  3. That first one is so ME right now! I just want to plump down, cover my eyes, and do nothing! :) And wow, take a look at those thorns! Ouch!

  4. I'm a ding dong and went to your other blog and posted and almost missed these gorgeous shots!

  5. I love Baboo! I want to keep him as a pet :) (And yes, I think he is smiling!!)

  6. Great captures! The thorns look cool...but painful!

  7. What a Sweet Baboo! Your zoo shots are like actual portraits!

  8. Love the personalities you captured of the zoo animals, Pat and the beautiful back lighting, it really brings out the colour. !!


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