Saturday, June 13, 2009

No one's home...

Unfortunately, I think it's because the crows got to the nest, rather than the eggs hatching... Just couldn't resist that luscious blue against the moss, though.


  1. I choose to believe he is out looking for his mother. Beautiful color!

  2. Awesome shot, and kind of sad, too.

  3. What a beautiful blue... but so sad...

  4. Aww, but I LOVE robin's egg blue- it's my favorite blue! I prefer to believe that the baby made it out safely, and is gliding over my head at this very moment. It might be way off base, but it makes me feel better... ;)

  5. Aw, and I'm sitting in my yard as I type this, watching a particularly brave little robin approach within feet of me to snatch a worm. I also like the idea that maybe the little fellow made it out safely.

  6. I can't believe the shade of blue... just beautiful, Pat. Hope the little robin hatched.

  7. That blue is gorgeous and the moss is so dainty, but I'm sad for the baby bird. :(


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