Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bear with me

I love bears. They scare me spitless, and the only way I can stand to see them is if I am separated by a secure barrier. They are powerful and magnificent, and their shambling pace is deceptive; there is so much power and speed disguised in that slow amble. How'd you like to come face to face with this on the trail? YIKES!!!!!

This guy was behind glass, cooling off in the pool area...
He did get a little bit closer---dang the reflection on the glass. There were 2 toddler-size kids standing nearby, and his head was almost as big as their bodies! Sure wouldn't want to meet him when I was out hiking!! (Ok, it could be a her, but frankly either way I'm terrified)


  1. Nope wouldn't want to meet him on the trail! However I'd love to see him at the zoo! What great shots you've captured!

  2. Very deceptive. He looks so cuddly. ;)

  3. Oh yes - they are very deceptive. I will never forget the time my mother came running out in the yard and grabbing all of us up to quickly get us inside just as a big ole black bear came moseying across the field and through our back yard. They can really take off when they are of the mind to. Nice captures.

  4. Bears are SO magnificent and powerful... I love watching them from the safety of the zoo, but no way would I ever want to meet one out in the wild! Awesome shots!

  5. Those are great shots - he is magnificent! My fave is the first one. He looks SO powerful!!

  6. Bears are indeed amazing! We used to have them in our yard, I'd see them when I was outside...just have to remember to never get between a mommy and her cub(s)! :)

    p.s. I have been to the Cal Academy before, good eye! We have annual passes, it's about an hour from here front door to front door.


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