Monday, February 2, 2009

Home Tweet Home

Bad pun, I know, but couldn't resist. I collect bird houses, and even though most of them haven't been occupied, they are still sweet homes!!
I love this one. I got it at a gallery back in Petosky, Michigan many years ago; all the rocks are from the local beach. So--birdhouse, beach rocks (another fave), and Michigan, all combined into one funky little stone cottage.


  1. Those are fabulous, Pat! I love birdhouses. Love the title of your post, too!

  2. Very cool! I love birdhouses too.

  3. I love little cottages:) Very cute!

  4. What a great collection - Love your title!

  5. Love it! My mom would kill for that second one, adorable!

  6. These are wonderful! We have a safe house in our area for troubled teens and every year they auction off birdhouses made by local artists as a fund raiser. They are so unique, like yours, and you'd probably love it!

  7. The birdhouses are adorable! I love the second one.

  8. Pat, I love birdhouses. These are really cool, the stone one is so unique!

  9. That rock house is cute enough to live in!

  10. WOW....Pat. I love these SO SO much. They are adorable. The stone one especially. It looks like so much care went into making these, and I am sure that any "tweet" would be proud to call this home.

  11. Your title made me smile! I love unique birdhouses, and yours are awesome. Thank you so much for the comment on my blog... it made me cry, but in a GOOD way. You are absolutely right. xoxo

  12. These are very cute. I used to collect birdhouses. The down side of moving so much is you can't keep everything

  13. sweet homes indeed! love the rock one as well

  14. I love the way the first one looks against the background and all the textures in the second one. What a fun thing to collect. Do you have a birdhouse that's a replica of your own house? I've seen those and think they're way cool.

  15. Those are really cool! love all the texture in them.

  16. These are really cool birdhouses, my favorite is the rock one. Anika and I just hung a birdhouse up the other day, we're just waiting for some hungry visitors! We want to get a hummingbird feeder next. :)


Comments from the Peanut Gallery are welcome!